
Why not rent your Safety Instruments from the people who understands them Best!!!

Advancement In Technology,
Agility In Service

Ensuring timeliness, cost efficiency &quality compliance

Why not rent your Safety Instruments from the people who understands them Best!!!

Why not rent your Safety Instruments from the people who understands them Best!!!

Here's your chance to protect your workplace from gas leakages and subsequent and accidents. Our RAE systems QRAE 3 and MicroRAE multigas detectors are on special offer. These smart machines can detect the slightest gas anomalies including leakage of Carbon Monoxide, Hydrogen Sulphide, Oxygen, and many more. Additionally, you can also avail a free inspection and certification within six months of purchase! Contact us to know everything and grab this now! #safetyatworkplace #workersafety #gasleakage