
AreaRAE Steel

AreaRAE Steel
3 Reviews

Whether you're establishing a perimeter at an incident site or need to deploy semi-fixed monitors around your facility, the AreaRAE Steel provides real-time wireless measurements for a range of potential threats. With a PID sensor for VOCs, an LEL sensor for combustible gases, an oxygen sensor, and two user-selectable sensors for toxic gases such as chlorine or hydrogen sulfide, you can deploy the monitor and replace sensors when circumstances change. The transportable AreaRAE Steel monitor is rugged and can run on battery, A/C power, and solar power with SolarRAE. This industry-leading wireless area monitor can also be combined with the ProRAE Guardian software, PlumeRAE, other third-party software solutions, and as part of the AreaRAE RDK for a more comprehensive view.

    Key Features:
    • Wireless multi-gas monitor
    • Rugged, portable, and weather-resistant for harsh environments
    • Monitors up to five threats, including VOCs, combustibles, toxics, and oxygen
    • Wireless technology sends real-time data to command station up to two miles (3km) away
    • Built-in sampling pump
    • GPS optional
    • Compatible with AreaRAE monitoring system
  • Confined space entry
  • Environmental cleanups/remediation
  • Fence Line Monitoring
  • Plant Shutdown & Turn-Around
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